You had the best of intentions. You knew you needed replacement windows in Portland, OR, and you really did mean to get them before the winter hit. But life got in the way and time slipped through your fingers. Now here you are, in the winter, and you still don’t have new windows. Should you wait till spring? No, probably not. It’s best to get new windows as soon as you need them. Or, at least, as soon as possible once you know you need them. Here are a few benefits to getting the windows installed over the winter months.
Warm Up The Home
You knew you needed new windows and you wanted to get them before the winter so the home would stay warmer. While that didn’t quite happen, that doesn’t mean you have to freeze in your home all winter long. Get the windows as soon as you are able, and the home will be nice and warm for the remainder of the winter. It might seem strange to open your home, one window at a time, to the winter elements. But replacing the windows only takes a day and after that, you can enjoy the warmth for the rest of the season.
Lower Energy Bills Pronto
You understand that having new windows on your home is going to give you lower energy bills. Just because you missed the boat on those lower bills for the beginning of the winter season doesn’t mean you have to pay high bills all season long. Instead, get the windows installed now and then you can save money for the rest of winter. Plus, you’ll be prepared for the hot temperatures when summer comes along. The bills will still be nice and low then!
Avoid The Busier Seasons
Spring and summer are big times to get windows replaced. When you take the project on during the winter instead, you are avoiding the rush of those busy seasons. You will more likely have your pick of times and dates to have the windows installed. You might even have more direct, personal attention by the professionals as you make choices. And you could even run across a good deal or piece of incentive that companies often run in the winter to entice clients to move forward during the slower times.
Yes, it’s a bummer that you weren’t able to get the replacement windows in Portland, OR installed before the winter came around. But just because you missed your self-deadline doesn’t mean you have to suffer the whole season with your old windows. Instead, contact the professionals at Advanced Energy Services and move forward with the project now before the winter gets any worse and your home gets any colder. Stop high energy bills in their tracks and enjoy what’s left of the winter in a warm house with lower bills. Start with a free consultation and then make decisions that make sense for you from that point on. We’re here to help you get the details you need, when you need them.