When you are ready to greet guests, even trick-or-treaters, you may want to put some fall into the look you feature on your front porch. There are many simple things you can do to refresh that home entrance area and it’s also a great time of the year to get replacement windows in Portland, OR if your home is in need of those products
Decorate With Standard Fall Items
Hit the stores and grab some pumpkins, gourds, corn stalks, and other harvest-looking items. Spreading those around your porch in arrangements can bring the season to your front door quickly and easily. It’s a lovely thing to see when you return home each day and can welcome guests at the same time.
Clean Things Up
Summer can be hard on a porch and you might find cobwebs in every corner. Dust those out of the way. If you see that the porch railing is faded from the summer sun, give it a new coat of paint or stain. You can also power wash the siding on the house to make it look new and fresh again. Sometimes, a simple seasonal cleaning can really make your porch stand out.
Go Fun With The Lights
IF your porch already has certain lights on it, change those out for black lights to make everything light in color glow in the dark. You could also go with a yellow or orange color to bring that harvest feel to your home, even when the sun goes down.
Paint The Door
If the porch railing needed a new coat of paint from the sun, the front door probably does as well. Paint the door in the same color it featured before and the porch will look fresh. Change the color to something new and everyone will notice that the change is even bigger.
Update With Fall Plants
You might feature annual flowers and hanging baskets on your porch in the summer, but in the fall, you need plants more like mums in orange and yellow to bring the right colors and the right seasonal feel to the front of your home.
Get Replacement Windows
No matter what you do to the porch to make it look nice this fall, if you have old windows in place, it might still look worn and tired. The only recourse you have to make the porch look the way you want is to get replacement windows so the whole porch can look new and fresh. The interior of your house will be more comfortable throughout the fall and into the winter months as well, which is never a bad thing. You might be surprised at how lovely your home looks all the way around after you get replacement windows in Portland, OR installed. If that is the way you want to go, contact the professionals at Advanced Energy Services for a free consultation. Once you have some details, you can move forward at any time.