Do you feel like you, or others in your home, are using too much energy? You will know when you get energy bills that you can no longer afford. There are certain energy habits that you might be able to change and there are upgrades you could consider in order to lower bills even further. If you get replacement windows in Portland, OR, for example, your home will have energy efficiency that it hasn’t had in years. Here are some other ways you can conserve energy in your home and get the best for your whole family.
The Habit Of Turning Off Lights When You Leave A Room
Start a new family rule. Anyone who leaves a room without turning off the light has to put a dollar into the bowl on the counter. That can help everyone get into a new habit. And, in the in between period, it can help to pay down the energy bills as they come in. Remind each other until everyone gets good at it. Unless the person is immediately going back into that room, you want those lights off when they aren’t in use.
Add Insulation To The Attic
Homes have a different standard and code for insulation today than was in existence in the past. Check to see what the current codes are along with what level of insulation you have in your attic. You may need more in order to make your home more efficient than it has been in the past. Even if you have insulation that is up to code, it might be possible to add more and insulate your home even further.
Unplug What You’re Not Using
It’s convenient to leave appliances plugged in all the time, but when you aren’t using them, they can still suck down energy, and that’s a waste. When you aren’t charging your phone, unplug the charger. After you make toast, unplug the toaster. Put major appliances on a power strip that you can easily turn off when those items aren’t in use, too.
Replace The Windows, Maybe The Doors, Too
You can do all of those things and they can make a difference, but if you have old windows that leak air, you will still have high energy bills. Replacing the windows, and possibly old leaky doors as well, can help you to restore your home to its height of energy efficiency. New windows are going to seal your home up and keep everything well insulated. When you replace the windows and the doors at the same time, you seal up all air leaks and your home’s energy bills can really plummet. When those bills go low, they will stay low and that’s a great place for you to be.
When you are ready for lower energy bills, there are certain changes you can make to enhance your home’s energy efficiency. One of the largest things you can do, which in turn will make the biggest difference, is to get replacement windows in Portland, OR installed onto your home.